Mission Statement
Angels Unaware, Inc., is a non-profit corporation operating in the Tampa Bay area whose mission is to provide quality professional residential support options for developmentally disabled individuals with moderate, severe and profound challenges. The Corporation was founded in 1973 by parents who were concerned over the distance their disabled loved ones were from home in regional state institutions and the quality of care they were receiving.
Currently, the corporation owns and operates eight small group homes (6 or less consumers) serving fifty-two handicapped consumers. Each home is highly specialized to serve the individual needs of its consumers. Some of the consumers are in state custody due to abuse, neglect, or family instability. Current services in the homes utilizes a Behavioral Management approach, teaching skills and addressing specific needs, designed to meet the personal goals and outcomes of each individual. Consultation of professional staff within and outside of the organization, is carried on as needed to meet the wide variety of physiological, psychological, medical, social and behaviorable needs of our consumers. The corporation also provides the full array of Supported Living services necessary for the needs of consumers that choose to live in their own home or apartments in the Tampa Bay area.
The corporation is governed by a Board of Directors made up of parents and concerned citizens from the community. Members of the Board serve a one year term and are elected by general membership.
Financial support is derived through state grants and contracts, corporate and foundation grants, donations and grants from private individuals, community clubs and foundations. Angels Unaware, Inc. is a 501c3 tax deductible charitable organization.