About Us
A Promise Kept
Angels Unaware, Inc. was started by a group of concerned parents with developmentally disabled children in 1973. The name “Angels Unaware” was inspired by Roy Rogers’ and Dale Evan’s work with Down Syndrome children and Dale Evan’s book titled “Angels Unaware”. It was one of the first successful group homes in the Tampa Bay area. It was these parents’ promise to help both ambulatory and non-ambulatory residents reach their full potential in an independent environment. Through their promise our group homes and supported living services give our residents the opportunity to live together in a family setting and become viable members of our community.
Since 1973, Angels Unaware has grown to seven group homes and is now providing supported living services. Each home is highly specialized to serve the individual needs of its residents. Current training utilizes a behavioral management approach, teaching skills and addressing the specific needs of each individual. Consultation of professional staff, within and outside of the organization, is carried on as needed to meet the wide variety of physiological and psychological needs of our consumers. The Corporation also provides the full array of Supported Living services necessary to support the needs of consumers that choose to live in their own home or apartments in the Tampa Bay area. The corporation is governed by a board of directors that is made up of parents and concerned citizens from the community.
Angels Unaware, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) charitable tax-exempt organization. All corporate financial statements are available for review, including an annual independent audit. In accordance with U.S. Internal Revenue Service regulations, all gifts are tax deductable to the extent provided by law. A copy of the official registration application and financial information may be obtained from the Angels Unaware Corporate Office or the State of Florida Division of Consumer Services at 1-800-435-7352. Registration does not imply endorsement, recommendation or promotion by the State.
Our goals include:
- As sufficient funds are made available, opening other specialized residential group homes for the Developmentally Disabled in the Tampa Bay area.
- Assure the continuation of the quality our homes have achieved and strive to maintain.
- To continue to offer the full and complete array of Supported Living services. The corporation is looking forward to resident owned living arrangements for the very near future. Angels Unaware, Inc. will provide the support, technical assistance and staffing to make this type of living arrangement possible for the population we serve.
- To continually strive to upgrade the choices, care, and quality of life of those consumers we currently serve and will serve in the future with our various residential service options.
Licensed and Regulated
Angels Unaware is licensed and regulated by the Agency for People with Disabilities and is inspected monthly and annually by this agency. We are also inspected annually by the State of Florida Health Department and local Fire Department.
Angels Unaware’s funding is primarily provided by the State of Florida. In the past, this funding source made up approximately 85% of our revenue. Lately these revenues have been falling due to budget cuts. Secondary funding is becoming more important every year. This funding comes from community organizations, such as civic and social clubs and religious organizations. Individual donations and fundraisers are another important source of funds. We also utilize grant money when possible.
It is Angels Unaware’s policy to direct 100% of donated funds to the project for which the donation was designated. Undesignated donations are used to directly improve the quality of life for our consumers. None of these donated funds are used for administrative costs. Angels Unaware’s administrative costs make up only 7.24 % of our operating budget while the national average for similar organizations is 25 to 35%.