Angels Unaware, Inc. maintains a waiting list that is unnumbered. This means, even though a vacancy has been created, the waiting list is considered as a whole and not numerically in order. Angels Unaware, Inc. strives to place residents in our homes that are compatible with the existing population. We strive to make all placements permanent.
Listed below are the steps used to fill a vacancy within Angels Unaware, Inc. While the steps are listed in a numerical order, it is not necessary that they occur in this order. Additionally, other steps may be added when deemed necessary by the professional staff of the agency.
Parents, guardians, and consumers are encouraged to ask questions concerning the placement process. The Executive Director is the contact person for the Placement Team.
- A vacancy is created and then advertised by the Corporation and through the Agency for People with Disabilities (A.P.D.), Developmental Services or other means and persons as deemed necessary.
- Written applications (letter form) are accepted and the waiting list is considered as mentioned above. Applications must include legible copies of the following documents:
- A current support plan and supporting data or assessments.
- Current and historical medical reports and authorization for release of medical records.
- Educational and Day Program information with appropriate contact information as well as copies of the Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) or other such documents and supporting data and assessments.
- Current legal status, established wills and trusts, guardianship documents, etc.
- Parental and/or guardianship information.
Angels Unaware, Inc. may provide forms for the items listed above.
- An Admission Committee is formed and comprised of the Executive Director, the applicable Facility Director, and a member of the Board of Directors plus others deemed appropriate by the Executive Director. Their job is to review the data supplied and to make recommendations. They will compare the applicant’s information to the Admission Criteria to ensure that the Corporation can meet the needs of the prospective resident/consumer, as well as the expectations of the family/guardians and others.
- An on-site interview with both parents or guardian and the prospective resident/consumer is conducted with the committee. Additionally, the Executive Director may interview others deemed appropriate, including but not limited to instructional personnel, doctors, siblings, and other relatives.
- A decision is reached when the committee feels that enough information is available to determine if the prospective resident/consumer is appropriate for placement. The Executive Director then relays the information to the appropriate person.
- A prospective resident/consumer who is rejected may re-apply if another vacancy becomes available at a later date. However, at the decision of the Executive Director, additional or updated information must be supplied as requested.