Adopt a Home/House
The “Adopt a House” program is for those organizations that are familiar with or are equipped for house maintenance and repairs. Construction companies and construction industry associations are best suited for this program. Certain civic and social clubs may have this experience, too. This program involves an organization assuming the responsibility of all house repairs and maintenance for a particular home. Our office maintains a data base of past donors that have helped Angels Unaware with house repairs and maintenance. Your organization may want to do the work itself or use our database to delegate the work. Our goal is to have one organization that we can count on to get the work completed and reduce or eliminate the costs associated with maintaining a house.
The “Adopt a Home” program addresses the personal side of our homes. Adopting a home puts an organization in direct contact with the residents. Our goal is to develop a long-term, personal relationship with your organization and our residents. Each house has specific needs for the holiday season, summer vacations, birthdays and special events. Your group will help meet those needs through-out the year. Birthday parties, holiday gifts and decorations, escorts for special events, picnics, theme parks, church and community services are a few areas that we need your help. Your group could act as escorts or just provide the financial assistance for these events. If your adopted home participates in Special Olympics, we ask that your group be a supporter or perhaps a “Unified Partner” of the athletes in that home. Your group could choose to help Angels Unaware with its annual fund raising efforts or hold your own.
Who is eligible for adoption?
Social or civic clubs, industry associations, church groups, college organizations such as sororities and fraternities, local companies and corporations. Some organizations may be better suited for one program over another.
What type of adoptions are available?
We have two programs available. An organization can participate in one or both. We will ask you to sign an adoption agreement that spells out what your responsibilities will be.
What does Angels Unaware provide?
Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible with our programs, staff and residents. We maintain a data base of donors that have helped Angels Unaware in the past with home repairs. We also have maintenance and office personnel on staff that can assist with coordination of labor and materials. On the personal level, each house manager has a list of birthdays and special events. They also know our residents personal tastes and desires. We want to help provide a rewarding experience for your organization and our residents.
Why we need your help.
Angels Unaware, Inc. has the privilege of operating 8 homes meeting the needs of 50 developmentally disabled citizens of the Tampa Bay area. The “Adopt a Home” and “Adopt a House” programs offer an opportunity to directly involve the community in the life of our homes. These programs also help to reduce our maintenance costs. Over the past few years our operating expenses have risen while our funding from the State of Florida has decreased. These programs help replace the dollars drained away by inflation and the net decrease in state funding.
Our thanks to you! Your participation in these programs is greatly appreciated. Each house will have a plaque displayed with the name of your organization thanking you for your participation. Also, our quarterly newsletter will feature these programs and your organization.
Thank you so much for your support!